The Systems & Workflow Magic Podcast Featuring Tracey Albrecht

Are you a new business owner wondering how to create a design that not only looks great but also stands the test of time? In today’s competitive market, achieving a consistent and cohesive design is essential for your brand’s success.

Today we will guide you through the strategies to develop a system of design that leads to a cohesive brand. By focusing on cohesion, you can ensure that your brand remains consistent and impactful across all your design platforms, helping you to build a strong foundation for your business.

Recently, we had the pleasure of being featured on Dolly DeLong on her The Systems & Workflows Magic Podcast, where we discussed these very topics.

Join us as we explore the steps to creating a design that truly stands out. You can keep reading to learn how to implement these strategies for your own business, or you can listen to the full episode here.

How To Create a Cohesive System of Design

Let’s go over how you can create a cohesive system of design for your business with these topics:

Lay the Foundation: Begin Building A System of Design

As you begin to establish your system of design, it’s important to lay the correct foundation. The first step in our streamlined logo design process is the same for both our in-person clients and also our Logo RX clients and is called the 5 W’s. The 5 W’s were created to help our clients lay a solid design foundation for their business. Once you have all 5 W’s confirmed and written down on paper, then you can move on to the next level of the design process.

Foundation Step 1: The 5 W’s of Logo Design

As you begin to build the foundation of your logo or branding, or even product branding, you will need to consider these 5 W’s. This foundation step of your system of design does not include any actual design work. This step is just about considering, collecting, and writing down information. As you start working on the 5 W’s, take no more than 45 minutes to complete your answers for all 5 of the W’s.

WHO: Who are Your Ideal Clients?

Who are your ideal clients is a great place to start. Think about who you want your perfect target audience to be and what their needs and preferences are. Go ahead and write that down.

WHAT: What Do You Want People to Say About Your Company?

Moving on to what do you want people to say about your company? Determine the key messages and values your brand should convey. As you reflect on your company’s mission and vision, think about the emotions you want your brand to evoke in your potential customers. What thoughts and emotions should your brand trigger in your audience?

WHERE: Where Will You Use Your Logo?

Next, you need to think about where you will use your logo. Identify all the places where your logo will be displayed (e.g., website, social media, signage). Ensure the logo design is versatile and adaptable to various mediums. Some of the best logos are very simple and easy to recognize in different formats.

WHEN: When You Think About Your Company, What Comes To Mind?

Moving on, it’s time to think about your company values, and how you can integrate those values into your branding. You’ll want to ensure consistency between your values and how you visually want to represent those values.

WHY: Why It’s Important to Have a Professional-Looking Logo?

Finally, it’s time to look at why it’s important to have a professional-looking logo. Take a moment to recognize the impact of a professional logo on your business’s credibility. Consider the next steps in your business and how your branding supports these goals. Then take some time to evaluate the benefits of hiring a professional versus DIY options.

If you want to learn even more about the 5 W’s of design, read this post, 5 Things You Need to Know Before Designing a Logo.

Step 2 – Brainstorming: Gather All Your Ideas

As we continue on with our system of design, let’s move on to step 2, the brainstorming step. In this step you will spend a lot of time gathering all your ideas. It’s up to you where you want to gather these ideas, either a Google doc, or a Pinterest board, or even just pen and paper.

Fonts are First

If you have a company name and tagline, start by writing them out on paper. If you don’t have either of these yet, it’s a great time to start writing out any ideas you do have for the name and tagline.

Next, start looking at font combinations that you like and remember to also keep in mind all you decided during our Foundation Step. Refer back to the 5 W’s and keep them in the forefront of your mind as you look at fonts.

It’s important to note that you don’t want to just choose a font that you like, but instead, you want to choose a font that encompasses the 5 W’s and how you want your company to be represented to your potential customers.

Choose a Color Palette

After you have picked the right font combination, it’s time to choose colors. Colors are so much fun, but you can also spend more time choosing colors than is necessary. Just keep that in mind when you are playing with color palettes. Here are a few things to consider when you are trying to pick colors.

Colors can trigger different brain responses, so before you choose a color just because you personally like it, you’ll want to consider the psychological responses that some colors can trigger. For example, blue is a calming color and red can cause people to feel aggressive.

Take time to consider your ideal customer and what they are looking for and would hope to achieve with your business and then make color choices based off of that. If you want to attract a certain clientele, make sure your logo color choices won’t repel them. For example, if your business is targeting men in the financial advisory sector, you probably don’t want to choose a super feminine font and use a lot of pink and purple tones in your logo.

If you want to attract a certain client, you’ve got to research what color palettes speak to them. Don’t get stuck with trying to be trendy and realize your logo doesn’t look professional at all.

If you want to learn more about colors and what each one means, read this post: Drawing In Clients, a Guide to Creating an Irresistible Brand Color Palette .

Find Imagery

Next, you’ll want to find imagery that flows well with your branding. If you want to incorporate an icon or some imagery into your logo, now is the time to start looking for one. Jump on Google and do some image searches and collect the images that you like.

You can even spend some time looking at what your competition’s logos look like. You don’t want to steal their ideas, but it’s always a good idea to see what others are doing because often it can spur some great ideas of your own.

Step 3 – Coherency: Requires a Gauge To Get It Right

Listen To Your Customers

As you continue to create a system of design for your business, it’s important to listen to your customers. The best gauge you have on if you are getting stuff right, is your perfect client.

Have a handful of at least 10 customers that you poll in order to find out their preferences. Offer them a poll and give them a few logo design choices and see which one they like best. Ask for their feedback. If your perfect customer is repelled by the design you have made – whether it’s the colors or the fonts, it’s important to listen to that feedback.

The wrong colors can have a major impact on your brand and how your customers perceive your brand identity. Your brand might appear to be a cookie shop when you are really a hair salon. Another example of poor choice of color is using only feminine colors in branding when your business serves everyone—not just women.

Just carefully consider the message your colors convey to ensure they accurately reflect your brand’s identity and appeal to your target audience.

Rebranding Is Not Detrimental

If you’ve made it this far in this post and you know it’s time for a rebrand, it’s ok! Rebranding is not a detrimental decision. Sometimes it’s the best gift you can give your business.

Giving your business the gift of cohesiveness will give you confidence in return. Knowing your brand looks good will boost your ego to get out there and sell even more! You want to get to the point where you know you can sell stuff because you are positive your brand looks good.

Step 4 – Formulate: The LOGO Formula

Our next step in our system of design is to formulate a plan for your logo, and the plan we like to use is called the LOGO Formula. Each step of the LOGO Formula will teach you how to create a logo, just like we teach our clients at Soapbox Studio every day.


Starting with layout is the first step of the LOGO Formula. Layout is maneuvering around the type and fonts. Start by writing out your company name and tagline on a blank page in Canva or Illustrator. As you start playing with fonts that you liked from your brainstorming step, you can change the words into all uppercase, or all lowercase. Try different variations until you find some you like.


Our next step is to organize those elements and try different layouts. You can try tilting the letters or repositioning them by pulling out the first letter of each word. Move around the elements on your page and organize them in different ways.


Next, you will need to work with the graphics and imagery you collected in the brainstorming step. You’ll start by using the low-resolution version of your images and then once you fall in love with your logo you can purchase the high-resolution version of the images you’ve chosen. Make sure you choose imagery that you have copyrights for – and by all means, do not choose free stock images.


Finally, you will want to optimize and tighten everything up. This is the last step of evaluation you will do before you finalize your logo. Pull everything together from fonts to colors to images and then take a step back and evaluate what the work you’ve done. That’s it! Your logo is done.

These are the exact steps we take with each of our logo design clients. Normally this process takes a few hours. If you put the work into the front end of the process by completing the 5 W’s and the Brainstorming step, then your actual logo design time will go so much faster and smoother. If you decide to hire a designer to do the work, handing them this pre-work will make their job much faster and require less billable time.

Step 5 – Consistency: Clear Client Journey Across All Platforms

Ensuring a Seamless Experience

It’s important to make sure your customer has a clear and consistent client journey across all your platforms. Starting with your website, moving to your socials, and everything else, no matter what part of your business a potential customer sees, it should all be consistent.

Creating a brand guide to go along with your logo is a great way to make sure you have consistency across all your platforms. A brand guide will include your logo, but also your brand colors, fonts, font sizes, and imagery. It’s a great resource to give to anyone who works with your brand.

If you hire a designer to help you design your website, you can give them your brand guide to make sure the site is designed per your determined guidelines. If you hire help for any part of your system of design, they will be so happy you have a brand guide to follow for consistency.

Over time your branding consistency will pay off because your customers will begin to recognize your brand. They will see something and know for sure it’s from you and your brand and that’s when you know you have nailed this final step in your system of design.

If you know you need to work on your logo or branding and want help, feel free to check our packages. We’d love to help!

Building a Strong Brand Identity Through a Cohesive System of Design

In today’s competitive market, establishing a cohesive system of design is crucial for any new business owner aiming for long-term success. A well-structured design system not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your brand but also ensures consistency across all platforms, building a strong foundation for your business.

By focusing on core elements such as your logo, color palettes, and typography, you can create a unified and recognizable brand identity.

By following the necessary steps to develop and implement a cohesive design system, including laying the foundation, brainstorming ideas, gauging coherency, working within the LOGO Formula, and maintaining consistency throughout your branding efforts, you will create an amazing brand identity.

If you have ever wondered if good graphic design matters for your business, the answer is yes! Good graphic design plays a very important role in the overall success of your business because it’s true what they say: people “judge a book by its cover,” and potential clients judge a business by the way it visually looks online or in print.

Not only do potential customers judge your business by its looks, but the look of your brand significantly impacts customer engagement and brand reputation.

Your business brand image conveys your overall brand identity and business values and has the potential to attract your ideal client. Professional graphic design for your business is crucial for attracting potential customers and subtly repelling those who do not align with your offerings.

The Secrets of Good Graphic Design For Business

Let’s go over the secrets of good graphic design for your business with these topics:

What Graphic Design Is and Is Not

Graphic Design IS:

It’s easy to get confused about what graphic design IS. At its core, graphic design is indeed an art form—a dynamic blend of creativity, visual communication, attraction, and problem-solving.

It’s the art of visually organizing information and ideas in a way that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and meaningful. Quality graphic design extends beyond mere aesthetics; to attract the right clientele, engaging the services of a professional designer is essential.

Professional designers possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise in visual communication, enabling them to craft designs that effectively convey messages, evoke emotions, and resonate with your target audience.

Their understanding of color theory, typography, layout principles, and industry trends allows them to create visually appealing and cohesive designs. These designs will leave a lasting impression and make it easy for potential customers to understand what your business is all about and what you are selling.

Additionally, professional designers have access to specialized industry tools and software, enabling them to execute their creative vision with precision and efficiency. Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop are two programs that Soapbox Studio designers use on a daily basis.

Graphic Design Is NOT:

On the flip side, it’s important to understand what makes graphic design so specialized. First of all, graphic design is NOT easy. It takes a lot of practice, training, skill, and attention to detail. All Soapbox Studio designers have their bachelor’s degrees, and the combined experience of our lead designers on staff is over 50 years!

Graphic Design is also NOT just pretty images and fonts; it plays a crucial role in shaping a brand’s image. Design is about strategically leveraging design elements to communicate a brand’s values, personality, and message.

Through the careful selection of colors, font pairing, imagery, and layout, graphic design helps to establish a cohesive and memorable brand identity that resonates with the target audience.

Graphic Design is NOT just about choosing a template in Canva or a similar program and then choosing another template when you are bored with the first one. Good graphic design for your business is strategic and should blend cohesively with your brand guide and company image through thoughtful intention, always with the business’s client in mind.


Understanding the Different Types of Design For Your Business


To understand the different types of design your business can utilize, it’s important to learn what each type includes. First, there is branding, which includes your logo, brand guide, company color schemes, signature fonts, and samples of the type of imagery.

At the forefront of branding is your logo, the visual symbol that is the cornerstone of your brand identity. Alongside your logo, a well-defined brand guide provides a roadmap for maintaining consistency and cohesion across all brand touchpoints. Then, you will convey your brand’s tone and style from the company’s color schemes and signature fonts. Each component is crucial in reinforcing your brand’s identity and fostering recognition and trust among your audience.

The secret to credibility is using a professional brand guide. If you don’t already have one, have Soapbox Studio create one for you, or take a look at our Logo Rx package if you need a logo designed. You’ll want to use it whenever you hire a graphic designer to create designs for your business.

Pass it along to anyone working on your visuals or promotions. Keeping a cohesive look throughout your business establishes you as a rock-solid company.


Our next type of graphic design for your business is your website. In today’s digital age, your website serves as the digital hub for your brand, making it one of the most important elements of your online presence. It’s not just a collection of web pages; it’s a dynamic platform that showcases your products, services, and brand identity to the world.

A professional website takes time to build and pull together all the foundation pieces that make it a great home for your business. It’s where you will showcase what you offer and who you are to everyone on the internet.

Adding cool pictures and graphics helps make it look even better. But it’s not just about looks; your website is also a powerful tool for growing your business. By making it easy for people to find you on search engines, giving them clear ways to get in touch, making purchases or payments, and using smart marketing tricks, your website can turn visitors into customers. So, investing in a top-notch website is key to making a big impact and getting ahead online.


Our next type of graphic design for your business. Marketing encompasses diverse strategies and tactics to promote your products or services and attract customers.

From eye-catching advertisements to visually striking graphics across various channels, such as slide decks, email campaigns, and print materials, graphic design plays a pivotal role in capturing the attention of potential customers and conveying your message effectively through cohesive marketing.

Social Media Graphics

Let’s explore the next type of graphic design your business can implore – social media graphics. In today’s digital age, social media platforms have become indispensable tools for businesses to connect with their audience, build brand awareness, and drive engagement.

Social media graphics encompass various visual content specifically tailored for these platforms, including posts, stories, banners, profile images, and advertisements.

Effective social media graphics are designed to inform and capture the attention of your target audience as they scroll through their feeds. To ensure maximum impact, they should be visually appealing, on-brand, and optimized for each platform’s unique specifications.

Published Content

Our next form of graphic design for business is published content. Newsletters, flyers, books, annual reports, and any other design you publish fall into this category.

Well-designed published content should capture readers’ interest with eye-catching visuals like featured images and infographics. Similarly, effective email newsletter design, with visually appealing layouts and compelling graphics, boosts engagement and drives conversions by optimizing readability across devices.

Digital Products

Your digital products are also a vital type of graphic design for your business. The digital products your business might create are workbooks, guides, checklists, lead magnets, slide decks, and more.

These products encompass a wide range of digital assets and experiences designed to enhance user engagement, streamline processes, and deliver value to customers.

Digital products have become an integral part of modern business strategies, and graphic design plays a crucial role in shaping their effectiveness and appeal. These digital assets serve various purposes, from educating and engaging audiences to generating leads and driving conversions. The better your digital products look, the more you will sell.


Our final type of graphic design for your business is video. Video could be in a category all on its own, but has emerged as a powerful medium for communication, storytelling, and engagement. From short promotional clips to in-depth tutorials, video content offers businesses a dynamic and versatile platform to connect with their audience in a meaningful way.

Video graphic design encompasses a wide range of elements, including title graphics, visual effects, motion graphics, typography, branding elements, and more. These elements come together to create visually compelling and cohesive video content that will capture your customers’ attention and effectively communicate your brand message.


Utilizing Graphic Design For Business Success

Now that you understand the different types of graphic design for your business let’s explore how to utilize them successfully.

The best way to utilize graphic design in your business is to take a three-fold approach. You’ll want to make sure you have effective design strategies in place in these three areas of your business: print, web, and digital.

Effective Use of Print Design

First, let’s consider the realm of print design. Despite the digital age’s dominance, print materials remain a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience in tangible and memorable ways.

From business cards and brochures to posters and packaging, print design offers numerous opportunities to showcase your brand identity and convey your message effectively.

By investing in a professional print designer, businesses can leave behind the homemade look and provide a lasting, credible impression on customers and prospects, driving brand recognition and loyalty.

How To Best Use Web Design

Next, we have web design, which plays a central role in shaping your online presence and customer experience. Your website serves as the digital hub for your business, making it essential to prioritize user-friendly design, intuitive navigation, and visually engaging content.

From responsive layouts and compelling imagery to seamless functionality and intuitive navigation, effective web design is essential for capturing your visitor’s attention, driving engagement, and encouraging conversions.

A top-notch website serves as a tool for potential customers to learn everything they need to know about your business and inspires them to go down a path that will end in reaching out and further engaging your business.

The Best Use of Digital Design

Finally, digital design encompasses a wide range of assets and experiences that businesses leverage to connect with their audience in the digital realm. This includes social media graphics, slide templates and presentations, digital ads, and multimedia content such as videos and animations.

By adopting a strategic approach to utilizing digital design, businesses can create visually compelling and impactful digital experiences that resonate with their audience, drive engagement, and, ultimately, achieve their business objectives.

Professional design should be used purposefully across all three of these strategies, and when it is, magic happens! Your brand will automatically be elevated into a business you can be confident and proud of, which naturally boosts your sales.

How Graphic Design Can Increase Your Business Credibility

We talked a little bit about how professional graphic design can increase your business credibility, but let’s dive a bit deeper. The key to effective graphic design lies in creating visuals that not only appeal to your personal preferences but also resonate with your client.

It’s crucial to create designs that catch the eye and appeal to what people naturally like. Instead of going with personal preferences, consider what your audience enjoys. Professional design is vital because even if your clients can’t explain why they like it, they’ll notice and avoid anything that looks amateurish.

Through cohesive visual elements such as logos, color schemes, typography, and imagery, graphic design helps establish a consistent and recognizable brand image across all touchpoints.

Consistency in branding instills confidence and trust in your audience, signaling professionalism, reliability, and attention to detail.

As customers encounter your brand consistently across various platforms and communications, they develop a sense of familiarity and reliability, which in turn strengthens your business’s credibility. This credibility drives conversions and customer engagement and fosters deep customer loyalty.

Fostering deep customer loyalty is another significant benefit of credibility established through graphic design. When customers trust your brand and have positive experiences with your products or services, they are more likely to become loyal advocates who continue to support and promote your business over time.


Secrets of Effective Graphic Design

Not only is it crucially important to build customer loyalty and business credibility through strategic design uses, but it’s also helpful to learn the secrets to effective graphic design.

Secret #1: Keep It Simple

Secret #1 is to remember when in doubt, to keep your designs simple. Don’t use more than a few fonts in a design; if it’s a publication, 3 is plenty. The headline can be a display font, body copy font, and subhead font. In a logo, if you are not a professional, don’t use more than 2 fonts. Simple is key.

Too many fonts or graphics look confusing or even messy and unprofessional. When your customers are confused, they will not buy what you are offering, so make sure the designs you choose to represent your brand are simple and clear.

Secret #2: Limit Font Types

When you are working with fonts, make sure you limit the number of typefaces in each design piece. Also, remember that script fonts are hard to read, so it’s best to use them sparingly across your marketing. Don’t use scripts or handwritten fonts in all caps or increase the letter spacing on them. It’s a telltale sign of an amateur designer.

Secret #3: Utilize White Space

White space in a design is not a bad thing; in fact, it’s a good use of design. Every design needs a place for the eye to rest, and often, the best place for that is white space. By strategically using white space, give your customer a chance to pause and truly ingest what you are offering. Keep a good flow of content without overwhelming the viewer.

Secret #4: Use Consistent Branding

There is nothing more confusing to your customers than inconsistent branding. Your customer may become confused if your print design materials and your online presence don’t cohesively match.

And remember, confused customers do not buy what you are offering. It’s important to ensure that all design elements used in your branding and marketing are consistent and cohesive and utilize the same imagery, fonts, color scheme, and overall look and feel.

Secret #5: Use Professional or Quality Photos

If your business uses many stock images in its marketing, you may consider investing in a stock imagery service like Adobe Stock. Digital asset services will provide you with high-quality, legal-use images that you can use in various areas of your marketing.

If you have photos of yourself or your staff, invest in a photographer or someone skilled at photography who can do a professional photo shoot for you, even if it’s simply headshots for your website and social platforms.

One thing that can ruin your business’s credibility in one glance is poor-quality images of your business, staff, or the owner. No one wants to see the arm of a loved one attached, but attempted to be cropped out. Go the extra step to present your business as the professional that you are.

To learn our other great graphic design tips, read this post: Graphic Design Tips for Entrepreneurs.


How Do You Know It’s Time To Hire A Professional Designer?

You may be wondering if it’s time to go ahead and just hire a professional graphic designer to sell your products and offerings to your potential customers effectively. Let’s go over the two crucial facts that will help you determine whether it’s time to get professional help with your designs.

If Your Design Is Suffering

Knowing when to hire a professional designer is crucial for ensuring the success and effectiveness of your design projects. There are several key indicators that can signal it’s time to bring in professional expertise.

It’s time to hire a professional designer if your design efforts are falling short and your designs are not meeting your expectations or the needs of your audience. If a client seems confused about any part of your services, take a look at the design as well as the copy. Does design play a role in the confusion?

While it’s commendable to try to tackle design tasks on your own, there comes a point where you may need more than your skills and resources to achieve the desired results.

You might also want to seriously consider hiring when the stakes are high, such as for important branding initiatives, marketing campaigns, ads or product launches. Investing in professional design services becomes even more critical. Your brand image and reputation are on the line, and cutting corners on design could have significant consequences.

Effective design plays a pivotal role in capturing attention, generating excitement, and driving sales when introducing a new product to the market. Professional designers can help create compelling product packaging, eye-catching promotional materials, and engaging marketing assets that effectively communicate the value proposition of your new product.

First impressions are crucial in business, as they often determine how customers perceive your brand and whether they engage further with your products or services.

Your brand’s visual elements immediately impact potential customers, whether it’s your website, logo, business cards, or marketing materials. By investing in professional design, you can ensure that your brand makes a positive and memorable first impression.

When the Benefits Outweigh the Cost

While hiring a professional designer involves an investment, it’s essential to consider the long-term benefits and return on investment. Professional designers possess design expertise and specialized knowledge and skills in graphic design, enabling them to create visually compelling and effective designs that communicate your message effectively.

They also have unique skills and are trained to think creatively and outside the box, allowing them to come up with unique and innovative design solutions that set your brand apart from the competition.

Professionals can easily create unique designs that are custom and one-of-a-kind, tailored to your brand’s identity, values, and objectives. Unlike generic templates or DIY design tools, professional designers can develop unique and distinctive designs that reflect your brand’s personality and resonate with your target audience.

Graphic design professionals also understand design principles. They have a deep understanding of typography, color theory, layout, and composition. This knowledge allows them to create designs that are visually appealing, easy to navigate, and effectively communicate your message.

Get Your Time Back and More

Attempting to create designs yourself can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially if you lack the necessary skills and expertise. By hiring a professional designer, you can save time and energy that can be better spent on other aspects of your business while ensuring that your design projects are completed efficiently and to a high standard.

Professional design plays a crucial role in shaping your brand’s identity and perception. By investing in professional design services, you can elevate the quality of your branding materials, reinforce your brand’s visual identity, and create a consistent and cohesive brand experience across all touchpoints.

Well-designed branding and marketing materials can leave a lasting impression on your audience, fostering trust, credibility, and loyalty toward your brand. Professional design helps create memorable and engaging experiences for your customers, strengthening their connection with your brand and increasing their likelihood of repeat business and referrals.

And finally, hiring a professional allows you to charge more for your services. High-quality design reflects professionalism, quality, and attention to detail, which can justify higher prices for your products or services. Investing in professional design allows you to position your brand as premium and charge higher prices, ultimately increasing your profitability and competitiveness in the market.

Elevating Business Success Through Good Design

The importance of good graphic design for your business cannot be overstated. As the saying goes, people do judge a book by its cover, and the same holds for businesses. Your brand’s visual identity is the first point of contact with potential customers, shaping their perception of your business and influencing their purchasing decisions.

Not only does effective graphic design enhance the aesthetic appeal of your materials, but it also plays a crucial role in conveying your brand’s identity, values, and message. By investing in professional design services, you can create visually compelling and cohesive branding materials that leave a lasting impression on your audience, foster trust and credibility, and ultimately drive business success.

Whether you’re launching a new product, making a strong first impression, or seeking to elevate your brand’s credibility, knowing when to hire a professional designer is essential. When the benefits of professional design outweigh the cost, and when your design needs surpass your own capabilities, it’s time to prioritize investing in professional design expertise. By partnering with a skilled designer, you can unlock the full potential of your brand and set your business on the path to success in today’s competitive marketplace.

If you are ready to partner with a professional designer, check out our packages at Soapbox Studio or our Contact Us form and find out how we can help you craft credibility through quality graphic design in your business.

When considering your branding color palette, have you ever wondered why colors matter? Does your audience care if your logo is yellow or pink? Choosing your branding color palette is a very important decision that all business owners will need to make, especially if you want to ensure your brand conveys the right message to your audience instead of repelling them.

In order to draw your clients in and create an irresistible brand color palette, you’ll first need to learn why color matters so much, the psychology of color and what colors actually mean, what a color scheme is, what you should include in your color palette, and how to choose the best color palette for your brand.

Before we begin, if you’d like to watch a YouTube video instead about brand color palettes:

Creating an Irresistible Brand Color Palette

Let’s go over these topics as we learn more about how to create an irresistible brand color palette that will have your audience begging for even more from your brand:

Why Color Matters For Your Brand

I know it can seem silly to place so much importance on color, but in reality, color plays a vital role in establishing your brand identity. Colors are valuable to your brand, and thinking strategically about your brand color palette is important.

Colors possess the power to influence prospective customers, either positively, prompting them to make a purchase, or negatively, leading them to exit instead.

Your branding color palette has the ability to establish brand loyalty, making your audience feel compelled to stick with you. Choosing the wrong color can cause your customers to overlook you and your brand.

What to Consider When Choosing Your Brand Colors

When you are choosing your brand color palette, you’ll want to consider these things:

  • What colors align with your brand values?
  • What colors convey the essence of your company?
  • What do you want your potential customers to think when they see your branding?

These are all good things to take into consideration when you are trying to decide what colors should represent your brand identity. But before you can choose colors, it’s best to know what each color actually means by learning the psychology of color.

Psychology of Color

The emotional impact of colors is significant. Specific colors can evoke trust, reliability, affection, or happiness. While others may be linked to boredom, anger, sadness, greed, or panic. Recognizing this psychological aspect can help you build credibility with your intended audience.

Let’s briefly discuss some of the main colors and go over the positive and negative feelings associated with each color.


The color red evokes positive feelings of power, confidence, ambition, passion, and strength. Some of the negative feelings associated with the color red are danger, anger, and aggression. Red brings out the strongest emotions of all the colors.


Orange is a color that portrays positive feelings of attention, happiness, adventure, sporty, playfulness, and spirituality. Some negative feelings that the color orange can bring out are crassness, pessimism, and being cheap. Orange is one of those colors that a lot of sports teams love to use.


Yellow is one of those colors you either love or hate and often promotes positive feelings of warmth, the sun, energy, cheerfulness, positivity, and being alert. On the negative side, yellow tends to be abrasive, frustrating, and cause visual fatigue.


Green is the color that represents wellness, and interestingly, consumers will buy more products with green packaging because it feels healthier. The color green promotes health, balance, growth, and money. On the flip side, its negatives are envy and illness.


Blue is one of the most popular colors, which is why it’s no surprise that you’ll find a lot of logos that have blue in them. The color blue represents calmness, productivity, stability, and sincerity. Some of the negative feelings associated with the color blue are feelings of sadness and loneliness, and is also one of the least appetizing colors out there.


Purple is a very polarizing color and tends to lean more toward femininity. The color purple often makes us feel creative, regal, imaginative, and brave. On the negative side, purple can evoke feelings of sadness and frustration.


Pink is a great color when targeting a female audience and often promotes feelings of romance, joy, vibrance, and freshness. Negatively, pink can make you feel girly, childlike, or vulnerable.


The color brown is the least favorite color for both men and women but is a very popular color for clothing. Brown can positively encourage feelings of security, reliability, and nature. On the negative side, brown can feel dull and lonely.

While all colors have different characteristics, it’s important to note what your target audience might be drawn to. It’s also just as important to be aware of what might turn them off when thinking and planning your branding color palette.

How to Choose A Color Palette For Your Brand

As you are trying to decide on a branding color palette, it’s important to understand color schemes. A color scheme is a thoughtfully chosen and organized set of colors you can use in your branding.

Professional designers leverage color schemes based on principles of color theory to ensure a harmonious and visually appealing outcome. It’s all about picking the right colors that play well together and give off the right feel.

Let’s go over the different color schemes and how they work so you can ensure you are choosing colors that complement each other.

There are 6 different color schemes that you can work with when you are choosing a brand color palette:


Monochromatic (or mono) is a color scheme based on only one single color tint. It uses only variations (shades) of a single hue. When you choose a Monochromatic color scheme, it’s like sticking to one color and playing with different shades of it. It’s all about nailing variations of a single color.


Analogous colors mean the color grouping has similarities and is next to each other on the color wheel. These color scheme types have close relationships with one another. Analogous colors are like BFFs on the color wheel. They’re the shades that just click and have a solid connection like they’re in the same color crew.


A triadic color scheme consists of three colors. Unlike colors that sit next to or directly across each other, triadic colors are equidistant on the color wheel. When you join these colors, they form a triangle.

Triadic is all about the power of three! Pick three colors that are equally spaced on the color wheel, forming a triangle. They’re like the trio that brings that perfect balance.


Complementary is a color scheme using one base color and its complement, the color on the opposite side of the color wheel. The base color is main and dominant, while the complementary color is used only as an accent.

Complementary is when you team up a main color with its partner in crime, the one on the opposite side of the color wheel. It’s like the dynamic duo, with the main color taking the spotlight and the complement adding that extra pop.

Split Complementary

A split Complementary color scheme uses two colors across the color wheel, with those two colors lying on either side of the complementary color. Split-complementary is like choosing a base color and grabbing its two sidekicks from across the color wheel. They create a team with a bit of contrast that keeps things interesting.


The square color scheme is a four-color combination. The square color scheme is like a fab four! Start with a base color, and then add three more that are spaced 90 degrees apart on the color wheel. It’s like building a colorful square squad.

If you are unsure where to start when picking a brand color palette, choosing a color scheme is a great place to begin because you can be sure the colors in these groupings will look good together.

How To Expand Your Current Brand Color Palette

If you already have a brand color palette and you want to expand your color palette for new products or services you offer, a really easy way to do this is to look at the color wheel and create variations from your existing palette.

In order to create color variations, let’s first look at the different types of variants and how you would go about making them.

Color Variations

Hue: Pure Color

The hue is the pure, unaltered color itself. It represents the distinct quality of a color without any additions or modifications. For example, red, blue, and green are different hues.

Tint: Pure Color + White

Tint is created by adding white to the original hue. This lightens the color, resulting in a softer and pastel-like version. For instance, if you add white to red, you get various shades of pink.

Tone: Pure Color + Black & White

A tone is achieved by adding both black and white to the original hue. This process desaturates the color, creating a more muted and subdued version. It falls between the intensity of the pure hue and the lightness of the tint.

Shade: Pure Color + Black

A shade is produced by adding black to the original hue. This darkens the color, creating a deeper and richer version. For example, if you add black to blue, you obtain various shades of navy or indigo.

Tools You Can Use To Experiment With Your Color Palette

Try out this tool,, to play with shades and tints. All you have to do is type in the HEX color code of any one of your brand colors and it will give you the shades and tints of that hue. This is an easy and fun way to expand your color palette.

Another fun tool to use when you want to play with different color variants is It’s a great way to look at different colors you might not have considered. You can also check out Pinterest for color ideas too.

What Does A Brand Color Palette Include?

After you have made some decisions on which colors your potential audience will be drawn to and what colors best represent your brand, you’ll want to create a color palette, and the best place to represent your palette is inside a brand guide.

Your brand guide should include your primary colors, secondary colors and accent colors, as well as your fonts and your logo.

With The LOGO RX, we can help with all aspects of your branding, from the logo to the brand guide. If you don’t have the time to do it yourself or you simply want someone to help you come up with the best color combinations for your brand color palette, then the LOGO RX is just what you need.

Crafting An Irresistible Brand

Creating an irresistible brand color palette is not just about picking pretty colors; it’s about strategically crafting a visual identity that resonates with your audience.

The significance of color in brand identity cannot be overstated, as it influences how potential customers perceive and connect with your brand.

By delving into the psychology of color, understanding different color schemes, and mastering the art of expanding your brand color palette, you can confidently choose colors that not only draw in clients but also establish a lasting and positive brand image.

A positive brand image is created when your brand colors emulate credibility, stability, and confidence. So, whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to revamp your existing palette, take the time to explore the world of colors and let your brand shine.

If you know your branding needs an overhaul and the whole process of choosing the best colors for your brand seems overwhelming – we can help.

If you are ready to hand over your branding to us, we will give you the logo of your dreams! When you purchase THE LOGO RX, you are one step closer to the logo of your dreams.

Our proven design process will guide you through answering questions about your business that will give us the information we need to create a fantastic logo just for you. So you can put your energy into making money. Check out our design packages here!

In today’s competitive world, branding has become a critical component of success for businesses and individuals. While we often associate branding with logos, taglines, and marketing strategies, visuals are another equally powerful tool that can significantly enhance your brand’s trust and your confidence, and impact personal and businesses performance. In this post, we will explore the profound influence of visuals on brand trust and confidence and how this boost can positively affect your future personal achievements. So, let’s dive in and discover the remarkable connection between visuals, confidence, trust and personal performance!

Visual Communication and Brand Confidence

Visual communication is a timeless and powerful tool throughout history to convey messages and ideas. It can uniquely transcend language barriers and communicate directly to our emotions, making it a universally understood expression. We are inherently drawn to visual stimuli, and our brains are wired to process images much faster than text or spoken words. This innate inclination towards visual information makes it an incredibly effective means of communication, particularly in branding and marketing.

When branding, visual communication is vital in establishing a solid and memorable identity for a company or organization. By harnessing the power of visuals, businesses can effectively communicate their brand’s values, personality, and essence to their target audience. Through carefully curated visual language, including colors, fonts, and imagery, a brand can evoke specific emotions and create a lasting impression that resonates with people on a deeper level.

In the age of social media and digital marketing, where attention spans are shorter, and competition for engagement is fierce, the power of visual communication becomes even more critical. Compelling visuals can captivate an audience’s attention, making a brand stand out in a crowded online landscape. Your visuals are more likely to be remembered, shared, and leave a lasting impression, increasing brand recognition and fostering a stronger connection with the target audience.

Building Brand Trust and Confidence

In branding, establishing brand confidence is crucial for gaining potential customers’ or clients’ trust and loyalty. Visual elements are pivotal in this process, shaping perceptions and creating a lasting impression. When individuals encounter a visually cohesive and appealing brand, they are more likely to perceive it as professional, trustworthy, and reliable.

Consistency in visual communication is vital to building brand confidence. The visual properties, such as fonts, colors, and imagery, are consistent across various platforms and touchpoints, creating a sense of familiarity. It reinforces the brand’s identity in the minds of the audience. A consistent identity serves as a visual anchor that customers can rely on, enhancing their confidence in the brand.

A well-designed logo is a fundamental element of visual communication that contributes to brand trust and confidence. A logo serves as the visual representation of a brand, encapsulating its values, personality, and essence. When a logo is thoughtfully designed, visually appealing, and aligned with the brand’s identity, it becomes a powerful symbol that instantly conveys professionalism and reliability. Seeing a recognizable logo can evoke a sense of trust in potential customers, making them more inclined to choose your brand over competitors.

Beyond the logo, other components, such as a visually stunning website and eye-catching social media graphics, also significantly build brand confidence. In the modern digital age, a website is often the first point of contact between a brand and its potential customers. A visually appealing and well-designed website creates a positive first impression and conveys the brand’s commitment to quality and professionalism. It signals that the brand is invested in delivering a seamless and enjoyable user experience, which instills confidence in visitors.

Similarly, social media platforms have become powerful channels for brand communication. Eye-catching graphics and visuals on social media help brands capture attention and engage with their audience. Delivering appealing content that aligns with the brand’s identity can reinforce their professionalism and build trust with their followers. This can translate into increased brand confidence and a higher likelihood of individuals choosing the brand over its competitors.

The Psychology of Visuals and Confidence

Psychology has long recognized the strong connection between visuals and human emotions. Understanding this connection allows brands to tap into the power of visuals to shape how their audience perceives them. By strategically utilizing visual elements, brands can influence the emotional response of their audience and ultimately build confidence.

Colors, in particular, profoundly impact human psychology and can evoke different emotional associations. Each color carries its psychological meaning and can elicit specific feelings and reactions. For example, warm colors like red and orange are often associated with energy, excitement, and passion. They can create a sense of urgency or enthusiasm, making them ideal for brands that want to evoke these emotions in their audience. On the contrary, cool colors like blue and green are often associated with calmness, trust, and nature. They can convey a sense of reliability and tranquility.

Strategically selecting colors that align with a brand’s personality, values, and emotions they want to evoke, can create a visual language that resonates with their target audience. Consistency in using these colors across various touchpoints reinforces the emotional associations and enhances the audience’s perception of the brand.

The Ripple Effect: Boosting Personal Performance

The impact of brand confidence extends beyond its influence on customers; it also has a remarkable effect on personal performance. When your brand exudes confidence through its visuals, it attracts customers and inspires you and your team to reach new heights of personal and professional achievement. A visually appealing and cohesive brand can give you a sense of pride, instill self-assurance, and motivate you to deliver your best work.

When you witness the positive response to your visuals and see how they resonate with your target audience, it creates a sense of validation and satisfaction. This newfound confidence in your brand’s image permeates every aspect of your professional life. It shapes your mindset, influences your behavior, and boosts your overall performance.

Another way brand confidence impacts personal performance is through enhanced stakeholder engagement. When your brand exudes confidence and professionalism, it creates a positive impression on stakeholders, including clients, partners, and investors. A cohesive brand is a powerful tool for building trust and credibility. It enhances your ability to communicate effectively, negotiate confidently, and build strong relationships. This, in turn, opens doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships that align with your vision and contribute to your personal growth and success.

Reinforcing Brand Confidence Through Performance

Brand confidence and personal performance are deeply interconnected, forming a continuous cycle that propels success. Your visuals play a crucial role in instilling confidence in your audience, and their positive response, in turn, boosts your confidence and drives your performance to new heights. This cycle establishes a positive feedback loop, where each success reinforces the other, leading to more remarkable achievements.

When your visuals evoke a sense of professionalism, trustworthiness, and reliability, they create a foundation of confidence in the minds of your audience. As your audience responds positively to your brand through increased engagement, sales, or positive feedback, their validation fuels your confidence.

That confidence acts as a catalyst for personal performance. Seeing your brand resonate with your target audience and gaining their trust inspires you to push your boundaries and strive for even more significant achievements. It instills a belief in your abilities and fuels your motivation to deliver high-quality work consistently.

This cycle works hand in hand to drive growth and success. The more confidence your audience has in your brand, the more they will engage with your products or services, refer others to your brand and become loyal advocates. This increased support and engagement allow you to excel and demonstrate your expertise, amplifying brand confidence.

It is important to note that this cycle requires consistency and a commitment to delivering high-quality work. By consistently meeting or exceeding expectations, you reinforce your brand’s positive image and maintain your audience’s confidence.

Take Confident Action

Visual communication is a powerful tool that plays a vital role in branding, building brand confidence, and enhancing personal performance. By effectively utilizing visuals, brands can establish a solid and memorable identity, conveying their values and personality to the target audience. Consistency in visual communication reinforces identity and creates familiarity, fostering confidence. Moreover, the psychology of visuals allows brands to evoke emotional responses and build a positive perception strategically.

Brand confidence, in turn, boosts personal performance and opens doors to new opportunities, driving growth and success. The symbiotic relationship between brand confidence and personal performance creates a virtuous cycle that propels individuals and brands towards incredible achievements and long-term success.

If you need a little VIP treatment to up-level your brand and in turn your brand confidence, our VIP Days will be a massive asset to you. Graphic design VIP Days can be a valuable investment for companies that want to create custom designs in a tight timeframe so your business can stand out and look professional. If you’re tired of the constant back and forth in a traditional model and don’t have months to spend tweaking revisions, this option is a great way to accomplish every task on your graphic design to-do list in a single day. In just one afternoon, you’ll have professional, ready-to-use graphics. If your business needs this, contact Soapbox Studio to book your VIP Day now. Claim your spot and enjoy the VIP Day treatment!

People Rebranding and Transforming their Sales and Conversions

Rebranding a company can be a significant undertaking that requires careful consideration and planning. In addition, a rebrand can positively and negatively affect a business, particularly regarding sales and customer interaction. In this article, we’ll explore the various factors of rebranding and how it can impact your business.

Positives of Rebranding a Company


Improved Perception

One of the most significant benefits of rebranding a company is improving its image. A rebrand can help shed negative perceptions or outdated associations holding it back. By rebranding, a company can position itself as modern, innovative, and relevant to its target audience.

Increased Visibility

Rebranding can give a business a new look and feel that sets it apart from the competition. A new visual identity, such as a redesigned logo or updated color scheme, can capture the attention of potential customers and make a solid first impression. Additionally, by treating the rebranding as a major announcement, a company can generate buzz and increase visibility, further enhancing the impact of the new identity.

Competitive Advantage

Rebranding can provide a competitive advantage over rivals. A fresh look and feel can differentiate a company from competitors and attract new customers who may develop an interest based on the refreshed identity.

Improved Marketing

Rebranding can also present an opportunity to update a company’s marketing strategy. A new brand identity can inspire fresh and creative ideas for advertising campaigns, social media content, and other marketing initiatives.

Negatives of Rebranding a Company


Loss of Brand Recognition

Rebranding can be a powerful tool for a company to differentiate itself from its competitors. However, it can also cause confusion among customers who may not immediately recognize the new brand identity. This can result in a temporary loss of sales and customer loyalty. To mitigate the potential downsides of rebranding, it’s essential to work with an experienced designer who can ensure that the new identity is easily recognizable and appealing to the target audience.


Rebranding a business can often become costly, with expenses related to hiring designers, marketing experts, and other professionals adding up quickly. For small businesses, this can pose a significant financial burden. However, there is a solution that can help small businesses save time and money while still achieving their rebranding goals – the Soapbox Studio VIP Day. The Soapbox Studio VIP Day is a dedicated 6-hour session that can be booked in advance, allowing small businesses to work closely with our experienced professionals to create a comprehensive rebranding strategy.

Resistance from Customers

When it comes to rebranding, businesses need to be mindful of the potential resistance from customers who have a strong attachment to the company’s previous identity. Any misstep in the rebranding process can potentially turn off these customers, which could decrease sales. To avoid this, hiring a professional designer with experience in executing successful rebrands is highly recommended.

Lack of Consistency

Rebranding can lead to a lack of consistency across a company’s various touchpoints. Suppose a company’s new brand identity is not consistently applied across all channels. In that case, it can lead to clarity and a lack of customer trust. Make sure that if you are spending the time and money to rebrand you hire a professional and carry it through all your marketing.

How Rebranding Can Affect Sales, Customer Interaction, and More

A successful rebrand not only impacts sales and customer interaction, but can also significantly impact the owner’s confidence in their brand or company. A company can feel more confident by presenting a modern and innovative identity that resonates with its target audience’s needs and preferences. In addition, a fresh, creative marketing campaign can generate buzz and excitement around a company’s new look and feel, further boosting confidence in the brand’s potential for success. This can positively impact sales, as brand owners become more confident in their advertising and marketing campaigns. When a company is confident in its identity and messaging, it can create a more compelling and memorable customer experience that fosters engagement and interaction, increased loyalty, repeat business and positive sales and revenue.

On the other hand, a poorly executed rebrand can result in a loss of customers and revenue, as well as negative word-of-mouth that can be challenging to overcome. Working with professionals that have branding and marketing experience is crucial to ensure that the process is executed effectively. They can provide valuable insights and expertise in market research, messaging, and visual identity, resulting in a successful rebrand that maximizes the potential for growth and success.

When you choose to design a logo for your business, the DIY approach can seem like an excellent way to save time and money; but in reality, designing your own logo can potentially harm your brand image. In this article, we’ll explore why investing in a professionally designed logo is worth it and how it can help you establish a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience and sets your business apart from the competition.

Here are the Top 6 reasons why avoiding a DIY logo is beneficial:


Lack of Professionalism

Your logo is often a customer’s first impression of your company. Unfortunately, a poorly-designed logo can convey a lack of professionalism and attention to detail. In today’s competitive market, a professional and visually appealing logo is essential to stand out and build a strong brand reputation.

Lack of Experience and Market Knowledge

Designing a logo requires knowledge and experience in design principles, typography, color theory, and branding. Professional designers have years of experience and knowledge in these areas, allowing them to create visually appealing logos that represent a brand effectively. In contrast, a DIY designer’s lack of experience and limited market knowledge may result in a poorly executed design that does not effectively represent the brand or resonate with its target audience.

Time-Consuming and Costly Mistakes

Creating your own logo can be time-consuming and potentially distract from other essential tasks in your business development. Ultimately, this can lead to costly mistakes that can harm your brand. For example, a DIY logo may need to adhere to proper resolution or file format(s), making it difficult to use across different mediums, sizes, and print methods. It may also infringe on someone else’s copyright, leading to legal issues and costly rebranding efforts.

Limited Resources

Professional designers have access to a vast library of fonts, design elements, templates, and software, which they can use to create a unique and impactful logo. In contrast, someone developing their logo without the help of a professional graphic designer may be limited to free or low-cost design software (with limited capabilities) and a small selection of assets, resulting in a less unique and impactful logo.

Limited Objectivity

A business owner’s bias or limited objectivity can hinder the creation of an effective logo. However, a professional graphic designer can approach the design process objectively and with fresh eyes, considering the business owner’s vision and ideas while offering alternative solutions that may be far more effective in representing the brand.

Lack of Brand Consistency

A logo is not just a visual representation of a brand. Still, it is also a crucial component of the overall branding strategy. Inconsistencies can occur when the logo needs to effectively communicate the brand’s message or align with the overall branding strategy. A professional designer can create a logo that complements and reinforces the overall branding strategy, resulting in a consistent and cohesive brand image across all marketing materials and the company website.

In Conclusion

Investing in a professionally designed logo is worth the cost. Trusting experts in the field, you can be confident that your logo accurately:

    1. Reflects your brand’s values
    1. Resonates with your target audience
    1. Sets your business apart from the competition
    1. Ensures consistency across all marketing materials

So, don’t let a DIY logo harm your business image. Instead, hire a professional graphic designer and see the difference for yourself! A professionally designed logo will make you look as good as you are.

Graphic Design VIP Days are a unique opportunity for businesses and entrepreneurs to work one-on-one with a professional graphic designer to create custom designs that will help them elevate their brand and stand out in a crowded market. Every business owner knows that the to-do list never ends. There are endless ideas about how to improve your website, your graphics, your social media presence, your products or packages, and your marketing. Yet, there’s so much to do and so little time. With VIP Days, you can get everything done in one day. If you’re on the fence, this in-depth guide about the pros and cons of our graphic design VIP day will help you decide whether to take the leap.

The Benefits of Graphic Design VIP Days

If you don’t have extra time to juggle all the business demands, chances are you’ve hired help. By outsourcing and delegating work, you free your schedule up for the things that truly matter. However, a VIP Day is the perfect format to accomplish your goals if you’ve been frustrated by communicating back and forth through emails over weeks or months. And here’s why:

VIPs Get Personalized Attention

One of the most significant advantages of a graphic design VIP Day is the personalized attention you will receive from a professional designer. During a VIP Day, you will have the designer’s undivided attention for 6-hours and can work together to create designs tailored to your specific needs and preferences. By booking a full day with a designer, you discuss your goals together during a PreVIP call and develop projects in real-time on the VIP Day, so you can provide feedback and see results immediately. This collaboration creates the synergy needed to stand out in a crowded market and create a unique and recognizable brand. Clients do need to be available during the 6 hours to give feedback and approvals.

VIPs Get Custom Designs

If you’re working with a professional designer, you want graphics to be unique and one-of-a-kind. By working directly with a designer during your VIP Day, they will be able to create custom designs that align with your brand identity and messaging. Soapbox Studio has the expertise and skills to create visually striking designs that will help differentiate your business from the competition. Working in real-time will make your vision a reality right in front of your eyes. Your graphics will go from bland and generic to branded and beautiful! By the end of your 6-hour session, your business will have custom graphics that convey a strong visual identity and establish you as a leader in your industry. You will leave our VIP Day with graphics that make you look as professional as you are!

VIPs Benefit from Focused Productivity

A graphic design VIP Day utilizes your time efficiently and increases productivity. By working one-on-one with a designer, you can ensure that your design projects are completed on time and that you can meet your deadlines. This assurance will enable you to make plans and schedule content, knowing you won’t need to wait any longer. Our graphic design VIP Day can be a great way to jump-start a project or get back on track if you have fallen behind.

VIPs Benefit from Ultra-Focused Design Work

When you book a VIP Day 6-hour session with Soapbox Studio, you benefit by unlocking their undivided attention on your business. Because Soapbox will solely focus on your business for the day, they will produce maximum results for you and your business. Studies show that when we bounce between tasks, our productivity is minimized, and it takes longer to re-focus, which wastes time. Booking a VIP Day allows both Soapbox and you to focus on one client for the day, which translates into efficient, well-executed designs that look great and are completed at an accelerated rate. Soapbox designers love VIP Days because it’s like tapping into a superpower and getting into the grove of the client’s business and brand. Likewise, clients love the brilliant brainstorming and design work that comes from an ultra-focused time with design professionals.

The Benefits of Creating a Plan for your Graphic Design VIP Day

While we don’t think our VIP Days come with many cons, it’s essential to recognize the limitations one day holds. For example, booking a whole day to work with a designer may not be enough time, and you may need to secure multiple days for larger projects. So, if you’re trying to identify how to utilize a VIP Day most effectively, here’s how to make a strategic plan:

Build Your VIP Day into Your Budget

When you become one of our VIPs, you pay to have individualized and uninterrupted time with a designer. Only a few graphic designers offer this personal touch, but it is an investment. Creating a great plan to utilize your VIP Day starts with building it into your business budget. The price of individualized attention will pay off in the long run because it will save you the hassle of emailing back and forth with every project on your graphic design to-do list. Your business will grow when your graphics have a special touch, personalized attention, and custom design work to help you establish credibility. Every successful business owner knows you have to spend money to make money, and looking professional is a top priority for businesses that want to thrive!

Create a Strategic Graphic Design To-Do List That Will Fit into One Day

To ensure your VIP Day is the most efficient it can be, you need to think strategically about what projects our designers can complete in the 6-hour time frame. Your projects will be met most effectively if the scope of your VIP Day is realistic. If you need ideas of everything our designers can accomplish in a day, here are some examples:

  • A simple website with 3-5 pages (complex or extra pages, themes we are not familiar with, or additional formatting may require additional time)
  • 3 logos and 2 covers
  • 1 logo, branding guide, and template for a product cover
  • Sales page refresh in LeadPages, including 1 hero image
  • 20-page workbook template and custom cover
  • Various title cards for courses, videos, intro outro with music (depending on how many)

Set Aside Time in Your Schedule for your VIP Day

While our designers are doing all the work, the benefit of booking a VIP Day is that you can give feedback in real-time. To accomplish this, the VIP Day should be scheduled when you won’t have other commitments or meetings. When you book your VIP Day and the PreVIP call, find the time in your calendar to block out that you won’t have additional distractions. By protecting this time, you can give your projects the mental energy they deserve, so you get graphics that look as professional as you are.

Why You Should Book a Graphic Design VIP Day

If you need a little VIP treatment to catalyze your business into a more tremendous success, our VIP Days will be a massive asset to you. Graphic design VIP Days can be a valuable investment for companies that want to create custom designs in a tight timeframe so your business can stand out and look professional. If you’re tired of the constant back and forth in a traditional model and don’t have months to spend tweaking revisions, this option is a great way to accomplish every task on your graphic design to-do list in a single day. In just one afternoon, you’ll have professional, ready-to-use graphics. If your business needs this, contact Soapbox Studio to book your VIP Day now. Our calendar is booking up fast. Claim your spot and enjoy the VIP Day treatment!

With editing software like Canva rising in popularity, graphic design has never been more accessible. But as a business owner, this should be concerning to you. Just because the design is accessible does not mean it looks professional. The accessibility of popular platforms gives a false impression that anyone can design a professional-looking logo, but a glance around the internet proves otherwise. If you’re at the point in your business when you need to start thinking about logos, here are the top five reasons why it is important to have a professional-looking logo.


Having a professional logo gives you the boost of confidence you’ll need to promote your business without hesitation. If you’re worried your branding looks like your cousin did it, you won’t present yourself with the professionalism of a true business owner. Confidence is key in first impressions, and so is a logo. When you have confidence, you will sell better and more effectively. You won’t settle for less when you know your worth. People pick up on that. They will notice that you’re the real deal and look to you as an expert. When they come to you, you will have the confidence to make the sale without hesitation or reserve. Your confidence in your professional branding will shine through in your interactions with potential clients and customers. Everything about your brand will stand out, so there will be no reason standing in the way of a great client relationship and repeat business.


There are hundreds of businesses like yours within a single Google search, so what makes you stand out? Building trust with customers is vital to draw them to you and retaining their loyalty to your brand. Trust is hard to gain and easy to lose. The visual impact of your brand has more power to build or remove trust than you may think. Just think about any time you’ve landed on a website that looks like it was designed in 1990… does that instill trust? No! Research proves that we develop our perception of a company within only a few seconds of glancing at its logo. That first impression holds weight. If the logo looks outdated or clunky, it gives the impression that your company is incapable of adapting to today’s demands. Customers want to know you can help them with their current needs. If it looks like you’re stuck in the past, they will likely choose a more modern brand to help them.

Similarly, if your logo looks childish or outlandish, they may not believe you are proficient or experienced in your industry. However, if your logo is classic and professional, they may choose to trust you after only a few seconds of glancing at your website. Your logo design can make or break your customer’s first impression in seconds!


Have you ever noticed a company that has had to rebrand multiple times? It feels unstable. Humans don’t like change. We want to put our loyalty and trust in brands that will always be there for us. Some cosmetic products and household cleaners are an excellent testament to this. Some people use the same dish soap their grandma used, which may look the same as it did 50 years ago. A stable logo and brand design often cultivate lifelong customers. Think about some of the most classic logos like Coca-Cola. If you look back in time, their logo has stayed pretty similar for years and years.

Conversely, Pepsi has changed its logo several times because its older logos have become outdated. If you look at some of the previous Pepsi logos, you’ll see how the design styles were trendy and went out of style more rapidly than classic logos. If your logo design uses colors and styles that will stay relevant and timeless through the ages, you will save yourself both trouble and customers.


Having a well-designed professional logo will increase brand awareness among your customers. People will be able to recognize your brand across platforms because your logo is memorable, and it makes them think about what your company does best. As your customer base grows and your community becomes loyal to your brand, they will tell their friends about you. That kind of loyalty happens because your logo communicates that they can trust you. It’s almost like a stamp of authenticity compared to companies with amateur-looking logos. Your customer’s trust in you will encourage them to share your brand with the people they love, and then you’ll connect with even more people. As you network within your industry, a professional logo will increase the likelihood that other professionals will take you seriously. Other companies will be more willing to promote your referral programs and highlight your products. As a small business owner, this loyalty can benefit you for years. Other bigger companies can do things cheaper or faster, but they will never have the trusting relationship you develop with your customers. This starts with a trustworthy logo.

Increased Revenue

If a logo can build your confidence, help you seal more deals, make more sales, and increase customers’ lifelong trust in your brand, your revenue will naturally improve. You will naturally produce more sales when you’re excited to share your professional-looking business cards, website, and packaging with people. You will also be more confident in increasing your prices and charging what you are worth. You are no amateur, and your logo will communicate that. So as your confidence to raise your prices builds, your customer’s confidence in you as a worthy professional will too. Nothing is as thrilling as feeling like you’ve “made it” as a business owner. The first time you’re able to put your new professional logo on all your signs and web pages, it will genuinely feel like you’re the business owner you’ve always dreamed of. People will see how confident and capable you are and be willing to pay good money for what you have to offer. That increased revenue will enable you to invest more into your business and allow you to scale. Over time, as you scale, that revenue will continue to grow year over year!

As a business owner, you couldn’t ask for more than confidence, trust, stability, loyalty, and increased revenue. Your business will be in good shape if you grow in all five areas. The first step is ensuring your logo is designed well and clearly communicates your brand identity. If you don’t feel like you can create a professional-looking logo yourself, we have a team of seasoned graphic designers who can help guide you in the right colors, fonts, and shapes to represent your unique identity. The power of a good logo is hard to deny. With a fantastic logo, your brand will be equipped to scale and flourish for years to come!

If you need help developing a professional logo that checks all of the boxes above, hire us at Logo Rx for logo and branding design or contact us for custom quotes.


If you’re an online business owner, you know that marketing your products and services is vital for the growth of your business. Not every entrepreneur has a knack for marketing, but learning data about the most effective practices can help you spend your time, energy, and finances where they will matter the most. As you post content and ads online, it’s vital to have consistent branding and messaging in place so your potential customers get the same quality of engagement from you every time. If you want to develop a strong brand, you need a good logo, web design, and a brand guide that will help make a good impression. Several studies have proven the importance of good design, so we’ve collected the most helpful facts here in one place to help you run your business with research-backed strategies.

Good Design Proves Credibility

Tyton Media conducted a survey which found that 48% of people said that the design on a website was the number one factor they looked at to determine the credibility of a business. This has significant ramifications for you as a business owner. How much time and money have you invested in the design of your website and marketing materials? If your website is not up to par or doesn’t have an eye-catching design, people could be turned away within seconds. Your business has so much to offer, so you don’t want to risk losing customers through such a simple mistake. If you’re not sure how your design elements compare to other companies within your industry, have a friend or graphic designer take a look and give you some feedback. Sometimes, it just takes a few tweaks to boost your web traffic and increase your revenue.

Good Design Makes Good First Impressions

Google performed testing and found that it only took 17 to 50 milliseconds for people to decide how they felt about a website. This doesn’t give you much time to make an excellent first impression. Most people cannot read your home page in just a few milliseconds. This means the thing contributing to their initial impression of your business is colors, fonts, logos, and the overall look of the page. Does your logo stand out? Are your colors congruent? Is your font readable? Using a cumbersome font or outdated color may not directly impact your business’s products, but it can be hard to get past a bad first impression. Don’t start your relationship with a client on a bad note when your design can grow your customer’s faith in your products and abilities!

Eye-Catching Design is Worth a Thousand Words

Missouri University of Science and Technology produced a study that concluded that it takes a person’s eyes 2.6 seconds to focus on a specific webpage element when it loads. So what is the most prominent design element on your page? For most websites, it’s the logo. It takes less than 3 seconds for your potential customer to look at your logo and make conclusions about who you are, how capable you are, and if they want to stay on your website. The purpose of a good logo is to communicate your brand identity through a visual graphic. So it turns out the popular idiom “a picture is worth a thousand words” is true. Your logo can communicate more about who you are than a whole blog post. So what does your logo convey? Is it good enough to create a lasting impression in 3 seconds or less?

Good Logos Help with Brand Recognition

While a study found that it takes people 10 seconds or less to form an impression about a brand’s logo, it still takes 5-7 impressions for the consumer to recognize the logo if they see it again. This means you should be putting your logo on everything your company produces. Put it on your website, your social media pages, your business cards, your letterhead, your email signatures, and your signs or packaging. If your logo is prominent in multiple places, it will take less time to become a recognizable brand to your customer. If this is done well, your customer may even recognize your logo out in the wild and tell their friends about you.

An Excellent Logo Builds Business

Did you know that a memorable logo is 13% more likely to get consumers’ attention and 71.6% more likely to get a positive response from consumers? Just think about the companies with the most recognizable logos. Apple, McDonalds, Nike, and Coca-Cola are all incredibly successful companies that have stood the test of time. Their logos have also been proven to be some of the most recognizable and well-loved. It turns out those two things are correlated. If a logo has the power to catch your ideal customer’s eye and make them think fondly of you, they will be more likely to make a purchase, become a return customer, and even share your company or products with people they love.

Good Design Will Help You Outperform Your Competitors

Adobe found that companies with strong designs outperform those with weak designs by 219% on the S&P Index (a stock market index) over ten years. Who knew graphic design had so much power over your revenue and longtime growth? Therefore, investing a significant portion of your branding budget in graphic design is crucial. If you don’t have the skills to design your logo, we can help your business make a great impression.

Time and time again, research proves that good design matters. These statistics show just how much the visual aspects of a brand influence the customer’s impression. If you want to make a solid first impression, create lasting relationships with repeat clients, and build a customer base that is loyal enough to tell their friends about you – it all starts in those first few seconds. We created our LogoRx Brainstorming Guide to help businesses brainstorm the best colors, fonts, and graphics to make those first few seconds count. If you want help from a professional, we have the knowledge and skills to get you started on the right foot. No business deserves to fail because of a few design errors. So with the right research-proven techniques and some quality graphic design, your business could thrive more than you knew possible!

Have you decided to start your own business? Congratulations! You have already completed the most challenging part of beginning something new and life-changing. However, as you start researching everything you need to get your new business off the ground, the unending information overload you’ll encounter from business coaches and online entrepreneurs can be overwhelming. When it comes down to it, though, there are only five essential elements you need to build a thriving business from the ground up. If this article is helpful, you can download our FREE Brainstorming Guide to keep all this valuable information in one place and reference it every time you get stuck! As a business owner, this is my simple list of everything you need to get your business started:

Every New Business Needs a Logo

A professional-looking logo is essential if you want to stand out immediately from your competition. A catchy name isn’t always memorable enough to keep your business at the front of people’s minds. But if you have a quality logo, people will recognize your brand with a glance. A logo does the heavy lifting of communicating your brand identity, which can set you apart as a professional and build customer loyalty. If your audience trust that your business is the real deal, higher-paying clients will take you seriously, and you can operate at higher price points. A logo functions as your stamp on the world. Every product, web page, or social media page associated with your business should include your logo so people know it’s you.

Every New Business Needs a Color Palette

Many psychological studies confirm that colors communicate emotions and make us feel something. This is why people describe yellow as happy and blue as melancholy. People tend to purchase based on emotion and rationalize with facts and logic afterward. Using a harmonious color palette in all your marketing is vital if you want to appeal to the part of a customer’s brain that develops the desire to make that purchase. is a great website to build color palettes and try out different colors together. Creating a color palette that communicates the tone and identity of your brand will work seamlessly with your logo to build credibility and increase trust. If you need help finding the right colors, our free downloadable Brainstorming Guide dives deeper into the psychology of color to help you build the palette right for your brand!

Every New Business Needs a Business Card & Letterhead

As you build your new business, networking within your industry and connecting with potential clients is crucial. Some of this will naturally happen online, but if you’re ever out in public and want people to remember you, hand them your business card! A business card has all your contact information so they can remember to connect with you after leaving the event. You never want to be in a scenario where you connect with your ideal client out in the wild and have nothing to give them. There’s a 99% chance they will have forgotten your website name by the time they get home, and there’s nothing more tragic than a missed opportunity like that. Similarly, having a professional-looking letterhead will help you communicate with high-paying clients and land more significant sales.

Every New Business Needs a Brand Guide

A brand guide is a document that helps keep your branding consistent. It will tell you what fonts, colors, and everything makes your brand identity stand out. In addition, having a reference when designing your graphic elements is helpful and keeps you on track. Still, it’s also a great tool if you outsource your marketing to an industry professional. You can send them your brand guide, and they’ll have everything they need to keep your branding professional without needing to start from scratch. In addition, keeping your communication simple and consistent will help potential clients connect with your messaging and view you as an expert.

Every New Business Needs a Website

No business is complete without a professional website. Your website is your business’s primary source of information that can be accessed far and wide, day or night. Much like your logo and branding, your website should convey what your business is about, the product or service(s) you offer, and appeal to your target audience in a sleek, professional, concise manner. How your website looks and functions will set the tone for your business relationship with potential clients. A good user experience and a well-built site will inspire trust and confidence and most likely be the first step in a lasting customer relationship.

You don’t just want to start a new business – you want to create a successful one. The key to standing out from among your competitors, connecting with potential high-paying clients, and bringing in substantial revenue is branding. When you have a professional logo, color palette, business card, brand guide, and website, you will have all the primary building blocks to make your business successful. To help you do this, we’ve created a free downloadable Brainstorming Guide so you can have all the essential information in one place and brainstorm to create a brand that sets you apart. So start brainstorming with the guide today to start your business strong!