
People Rebranding and Transforming their Sales and Conversions
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From Old to Bold: How Rebranding Can Transform Your Sales and Conversions

Rebranding a company can be a significant undertaking that requires careful consideration and planning. In addition, a rebrand can positively and negatively affect a business, particularly regarding sales and customer interaction. In this article,…
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A DIY Logo: The Top 6 Pitfalls to Avoid

When you choose to design a logo for your business, the DIY approach can seem like an excellent way to save time and money; but in reality, designing your own logo can potentially harm your brand image. In this article, we’ll explore why investing…
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What is a VIP Day, and Why You Will Love It!

Graphic Design VIP Days are a unique opportunity for businesses and entrepreneurs to work one-on-one with a professional graphic designer to create custom designs that will help them elevate their brand and stand out in a crowded market. Every…

Why is it Important to Have a Professional Looking Logo?

With editing software like Canva rising in popularity, graphic design has never been more accessible. But as a business owner, this should be concerning to you. Just because the design is accessible does not mean it looks professional. The accessibility…
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6 Research-Proven Statistics Every Business Owner Needs to Know About Scroll-Stopping Design

If you’re an online business owner, you know that marketing your products and services is vital for the growth of your business. Not every entrepreneur has a knack for marketing, but learning data about the most effective practices can help…

Our Favorite WordPress Theme

Ahh... Wordpress Themes. Were you so inclined, you could spend literal days searching out the perfect Wordpress theme to fit every nook and cranny of any given industry. Trust us, we've done it. And in the end, it was semi-pointless endeavor…

