
Why is it Important to Have a Professional Looking Logo?

With editing software like Canva rising in popularity, graphic design has never been more accessible. But as a business owner, this should be concerning to you. Just because the design is accessible does not mean it looks professional. The accessibility of popular platforms gives a false impression that anyone can design a professional-looking logo, but a glance around the internet proves otherwise. If you’re at the point in your business when you need to start thinking about logos, here are the top five reasons why it is important to have a professional-looking logo.


Having a professional logo gives you the boost of confidence you’ll need to promote your business without hesitation. If you’re worried your branding looks like your cousin did it, you won’t present yourself with the professionalism of a true business owner. Confidence is key in first impressions, and so is a logo. When you have confidence, you will sell better and more effectively. You won’t settle for less when you know your worth. People pick up on that. They will notice that you’re the real deal and look to you as an expert. When they come to you, you will have the confidence to make the sale without hesitation or reserve. Your confidence in your professional branding will shine through in your interactions with potential clients and customers. Everything about your brand will stand out, so there will be no reason standing in the way of a great client relationship and repeat business.

Brainstorm Your Logo Creation Today!

This guide will walk you through the steps I use as a professional designer, to create beautiful logos for all my clients. I am sharing my steps for FREE, so you can use this secret sauce on your own logos.


There are hundreds of businesses like yours within a single Google search, so what makes you stand out? Building trust with customers is vital to draw them to you and retaining their loyalty to your brand. Trust is hard to gain and easy to lose. The visual impact of your brand has more power to build or remove trust than you may think. Just think about any time you’ve landed on a website that looks like it was designed in 1990… does that instill trust? No! Research proves that we develop our perception of a company within only a few seconds of glancing at its logo. That first impression holds weight. If the logo looks outdated or clunky, it gives the impression that your company is incapable of adapting to today’s demands. Customers want to know you can help them with their current needs. If it looks like you’re stuck in the past, they will likely choose a more modern brand to help them.

Similarly, if your logo looks childish or outlandish, they may not believe you are proficient or experienced in your industry. However, if your logo is classic and professional, they may choose to trust you after only a few seconds of glancing at your website. Your logo design can make or break your customer’s first impression in seconds!


Have you ever noticed a company that has had to rebrand multiple times? It feels unstable. Humans don’t like change. We want to put our loyalty and trust in brands that will always be there for us. Some cosmetic products and household cleaners are an excellent testament to this. Some people use the same dish soap their grandma used, which may look the same as it did 50 years ago. A stable logo and brand design often cultivate lifelong customers. Think about some of the most classic logos like Coca-Cola. If you look back in time, their logo has stayed pretty similar for years and years.

Conversely, Pepsi has changed its logo several times because its older logos have become outdated. If you look at some of the previous Pepsi logos, you’ll see how the design styles were trendy and went out of style more rapidly than classic logos. If your logo design uses colors and styles that will stay relevant and timeless through the ages, you will save yourself both trouble and customers.


Having a well-designed professional logo will increase brand awareness among your customers. People will be able to recognize your brand across platforms because your logo is memorable, and it makes them think about what your company does best. As your customer base grows and your community becomes loyal to your brand, they will tell their friends about you. That kind of loyalty happens because your logo communicates that they can trust you. It’s almost like a stamp of authenticity compared to companies with amateur-looking logos. Your customer’s trust in you will encourage them to share your brand with the people they love, and then you’ll connect with even more people. As you network within your industry, a professional logo will increase the likelihood that other professionals will take you seriously. Other companies will be more willing to promote your referral programs and highlight your products. As a small business owner, this loyalty can benefit you for years. Other bigger companies can do things cheaper or faster, but they will never have the trusting relationship you develop with your customers. This starts with a trustworthy logo.

Increased Revenue

If a logo can build your confidence, help you seal more deals, make more sales, and increase customers’ lifelong trust in your brand, your revenue will naturally improve. You will naturally produce more sales when you’re excited to share your professional-looking business cards, website, and packaging with people. You will also be more confident in increasing your prices and charging what you are worth. You are no amateur, and your logo will communicate that. So as your confidence to raise your prices builds, your customer’s confidence in you as a worthy professional will too. Nothing is as thrilling as feeling like you’ve “made it” as a business owner. The first time you’re able to put your new professional logo on all your signs and web pages, it will genuinely feel like you’re the business owner you’ve always dreamed of. People will see how confident and capable you are and be willing to pay good money for what you have to offer. That increased revenue will enable you to invest more into your business and allow you to scale. Over time, as you scale, that revenue will continue to grow year over year!

As a business owner, you couldn’t ask for more than confidence, trust, stability, loyalty, and increased revenue. Your business will be in good shape if you grow in all five areas. The first step is ensuring your logo is designed well and clearly communicates your brand identity. If you don’t feel like you can create a professional-looking logo yourself, we have a team of seasoned graphic designers who can help guide you in the right colors, fonts, and shapes to represent your unique identity. The power of a good logo is hard to deny. With a fantastic logo, your brand will be equipped to scale and flourish for years to come!

If you need help developing a professional logo that checks all of the boxes above, hire us at Logo Rx for logo and branding design or contact us for custom quotes.


Don't forget to grab your Brainstormin Guide!

This guide will walk you through the steps I use as a professional designer, to create beautiful logos for all my clients. I am sharing my steps for FREE, so you can use this secret sauce on your own logos.