Welcome to the LogoLab Workshop! Thank you for taking the next step to creating professional logos for your business, clients, or products! Download the FREE workbook that goes along with this training HERE.
We would love to see you inside our private Facebook group to answer any questions or connect with other LogoLab’er’s.
Hey there LogoLab’ers! Here is what we will cover in Lesson 1:
- WHO are your clients or your ideal avatar?
- WHAT you want other people to say about your company?
- WHERE will you be using your logo?
- WHEN you think about your company values.
- WHY is it important to have a professional looking logo?
Enjoy and I am excited you are here!
Hey there LogoLab’ers! I hope you’re loving every minute of LogoLab so far.
In Lesson 2 we will BRAINSTORM your logos! It’s going to get fun!
- NAME of your company and tagline
- FONTS and best practices
- COLOR and touching on psychology
- IMAGERY and when to use it
- SAMPLES and why they help
Hey there LogoLab’ers! Lesson 3 is a biggie!
I will do an overview of the LOGO formula. If you join our course LogoLab101, I go deep with the LOGO formula trainings step by step.
The elements of the LOGO formula are:
- LAYOUT: Start with the elements of Day 2, and it’s ok to be messy.
- ORGANIZE: Pull elements you like together, bring in your brand colors.
- GRAPHICS: Bring in icons, art or custom illustrations and work them into ideas.
- OPTIMIZE: Make variations of your logo to use in various layouts.
Last lesson of the LogoLab Workshop is completed!
There is something about learning visually! Am I right? I hope you learned a simpler way to create your own logos. If you want to learn more our course will walk you through step by step on logo creation and take you even deeper into all the things we discussed in this workshop. I hope to see you there! https://thelogorx.com/logolab101 (Please Note… the link on the video has changed! This is the correct one!)
A big thank you especially those of you who made it through all 4 lessons!
It means a lot to me to see so many business owners interested in making their logos look more professional. It is what I LOVE about my job, the transformation. If you are interested in our DONE FOR YOU services we offer quite a few. One you may want to start with is our Logo Rx or Logo Rx + Brand. You can take a look HERE.
If you have a whole task list of graphics to complete? A Soapbox VIP Day may be just what you need. Our clients are loving them!
Hope to see you again soon!
What questions do you have?
Please feel free to email us at support@soapboxstudio.com with any questions or feedback on the course. Thank you for joining us!